Better Results with Less Effort
Our Human Resource solutions share the same patented technology foundation that enables VoicePrism™ to provide solutions to our customers that are not available anywhere else:
- By customizing the assessment/survey topics and question sets, the Human Resources department and businesses can create assessments and surveys that fulfill the unique needs of your organization.
- Directly and objectively link assessment results to actual job performance and turnover levels in a completely non-discriminating manner. Objective tools to reduce costs and provide a quantifiable return on investment are exactly what businesses crave in these trying economic conditions. Our tools allow you to validate the steps you are taking to keep the absolute best employees as well as to help you make the tougher decisions on reducing your workforce to cut costs. All of the survey work can take place in your environment so as to take the guess work out of what you are getting for your money.
- Self-administered assessments are extremely convenient. Applicants, current employees and departing employees can take the assessments/surveys anywhere and anytime via PC or automated voice-based telephone system.
- A highly-scalable technology platform that works with any language and allows you to cost-effectively process a few people or a few hundred thousand.
We currently provide a full toolkit of both standard and customized employee retention, reduction-in-workforce and workplace stress solutions including employee engagement survey solutions, exit interviews and pre-employment assessments.
Employee Retention, Reduction-in-Force, and Workplace Stress Tools
Relationships between employees and employers or employees and
other employees are very complex. It is not always clear what is working
well and what is not. People want to appear to be positive, team
players, yet they may be feeling something different. Often for good
reasons, people portray a different persona for "culture / political"
reasons. A deep understanding of which employees are intending to stay
with your organization has profound implications for managing
recruiting, training, and turnover costs. In addition, when inevitable
cost reduction decisions come up, you will have a complete, objective,
three dimensional picture of the factors involved. Learn More
Exit Interviews
From the beginnings of our childhood through our work careers, we
are taught not to "burn our bridges" under any circumstances. Most
departing employees say they are leaving "to spend more time with the
family" or "I loved working for my manager" or "Sure, I was happy with
my job responsibilities" solely because there is no upside for them in
providing a truly accurate picture of their feelings. But, what are
employees really thinking about the reasons for their departure?
Precisely where should a firm spend more time understanding and
correcting the reasons for its turnover?
Learn More
Pre-Employment Assessments
Recruiting was changed forever by the invention of job boards, but
it was a mixed blessing. Along with almost limitless applicant reach,
came seemingly endless applicant screenings. For recruiters, it was like
drinking water from a fire hose time and costs for screening went up
rather than down. The downturn in the economy has only made this problem
worse with 5-10 times the number of employees now applying for each open
position. Finally, VoicePrism™ has created an automated,
low-effort, fully customizable assessment and screening solution that
addresses this vexing problem and allows you to reduce costs. It helps
you leverage technology to narrow the enormous pool of applicants to the
few highest-quality candidates for each position. Learn More