Great Decisions Require Accurate and Robust Information
All of our products and services leverage the same patented voice analysis engine, which provides invaluable cognitive and emotional insight based on human vocal patterns. Whether it's used with customers, employees, or in any business setting, the results are fast, significant, and cost-effective.
Accurate and insightful information is a key to gaining better insight into your customers, retaining your top performing employees, greater effectiveness in call center operations, or even reducing the cost of fraud.
View the Whole Picture
Research by Dr. Albert Mehrabian, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at UCLA, delves deeply into human vocal communication:
- 7% of our message is communicated through the words we use
- 38% through vocal tone
- 55% through facial expressions and body language
For phone conversations the percentages are 8% through the words we use and jump to 92% through vocal tone.
Don't make decisions based on less than 10% of the picture. VoicePrism™ taps into the richness and reliability only obtainable through the 90% of non-literal communication.
We use VoicePrism™ technology and services to reveal the real meaning behind the messages your company receives from employees, customers, and vendors everyday.
The bottom line? Consistently smarter decisions - based on unprecedented insight.
We currently provide customized software solutions and services for a variety of industries. Read more about our specific offerings below:
Market Research
Go beyond mere data. Our Voice Insights and Voice Research Analysis solutions take you from simply
listening to what your customers say, to understanding the deeper insights of how they think, feel, and
make purchasing decisions. It's market research like you've never seen before. Learn
Call Center Solutions
Make every call count. Your call center is the front line of your communications with current and
potential customers. Our CallPrism solution informs you of exactly how these phone interactions are
going, so you can improve the performance and profitability of your call center. Learn More
Fraud and Assurance
The current economic environment does not afford you the ability to waste money with fraud losses.
VoicePrism's technology is in use around the world in detecting fraud. We not only supply you with the
tools to detect fraud but also to significantly reduce the multiple costs it has on your business. Learn
Human Resources Solutions
Reduce your recruiting, training, and turnover costs by truly understanding which employees are likely to
stay and having the information to know what strategic investments will allow you to keep the
best-of-the-best. Our Employee Retention, Reduction-in-Force, Workplace Stress, and Exit Interview
solutions help you weed through the noise to understand your employees' true preferences, causes of
dissatisfaction, motivations, and intentions with accuracy never before possible. Learn